Figyelem, ifjúsági csere fiataloknak!

Fiatalok, figyelem! Ifjúsági cserére keresünk jelentkezőket támogatott, alacsony költségű programokra a Cseh Köztársaságba augusztus 24 és 31, valamint Szlovéniába szeptember 8 és 15 között. Korhatár: 18-25 év, feltétel továbbá a jó angol tudás. A program nyelve angol.


Cseh Köztársaság

24.08.2013 – 31.08.2013, Velké Meziříčí, Czech Republic Training course: Leaders for safety. Csoportlétszám: 4 fő.
The training course „Leaders for safety” is designed as a process of non-formal learning and peer education involving participants from different countries who work with young people, have experience in the fields of youth work. Participants are required to have an active input in sharing knowledge and experience, and to be willing to learn new skills in First Aid, in safety and in prevention of critical situations from the trainers and each other. This active participation will encourage motivation to working together and building effective international working relationships.
Part of the program will take place on the surface and underground kilometers of underground caves that were created by river Punkva and where there is currently peleontology and research in the area of Moravian Karst. In addition, how to behave in the wild and underground you can try practical movement in this environment, the difficulty will depend on your consideration and courage. You will be divided into groups and each will lead an experienced caver. Everything will take place in area that is closed to the public. There is also a beautiful stalactite decoration in these places. Part of the program will be held at the Nuclear Power Plant. Visiting will be followed by a discussion of the safety of nuclear energy and we will be in discussion about disaster of Fukushima in 2011 – sequence of events earthquakes, floods and nuclear accident …


With the training Stand Up, Get Up, Act! we would like to promote the importance of focusing on the challenges of unemployed youth and projects that aim to focus on promoting the mobility within different programmes and active participation of unemployed youth in the EU. The training will take place in Brežice, Slovenia from September 8th to 15th 2013.
There will be 28 participants from the programme countries. The training will be managed by international trainer’s team. The training course will be centred on the thematic of increasing the competence of youth leaders and other actors in the field when addressing youth’s needs in transition from education to employment. During the training youth workers will try out different methods, which they will be later able to convey to youth they work with. Among others: visualization of desired work area, design of a personal portfolio consisting of CV, motivation letter, personal PR design, completed profile on LinkedIn and personal introduction for job interview process use.
The training will emphasise the employment of youth within the European labour market; in this context participant will acquire knowledge on different European employment databases and will get the chance to get further information on the topic from a Eures counsellor. They will get acquainted with different specificities of European labour markets. A special emphasis will be given to employment of youth of other European nationalities in Slovenia.
The goal of the training is to increase competencies of youth workers in counselling and assistance to young people, who are entering or re-entering the job market and to empower them to take active approach in it.

Kontakt: Oszlánczi Adrienn,Ada,

Szabad Tér Egyesület

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