Ifjúsági csere Franciaországban október 21-től!

Gyorsan kell döntened, ha 18 és 25 közötti fiatal vagy, jól beszélsz angolul, és részt vennél egy franciaországi ifjúsági cserén a Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, – Aix-en-Provence, Marseilles, Gardanne and Salon régióban október 21 és 29 között. A program költsége körülbelül 30 ezer forint, minden más itt olvasható angolul. 



International youth exchange „Eco-citizenship and social” will be held in South of France between 21-29 October 2013.


We will be there to share and exchange our ideas and experiences about how citizens, businesses and society as a whole can think and act more social and environmental. The participants will get an opportunity to present the most important environmental issues of their country as well as ideas and projects to tackle theses issues.


30 young european people from, Romania, Hungary, Poland and France will meet make workshops, meet associations, partipcipate in projects to share their ideas and experiences, about social environmental issues and projects.


The exchange will take place in the region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, in Aix-en-Provence, Marseilles, Gardanne and Salon.


Every nation will make a workshop through the methods and techniques of non-formal learning and through interactive activities.
Participants to the exchange will also get the chance to discover local environmental and social preservation projects and meet the people and communitites who develop them.


Our topic is a global issue, we believe in the saying of „think globally act locally” and would like to share our results in several channels with everyone, who cannot participate in the exchange. At the beginning of the exchange a multimedia workshop will enable the participants to make a short film as well as radio interviews to show to communities, youngsters and officials in France and their home countries.
Participants to the exchange will share the best practices at home and spread why and how to develop social integration and preserve our environment


At the beginning of the project, the youngsters come up with skills they would like to develop.
On the last day of the exchange they can receive a european certificate according to what they have done and learned during this intense week.
Informations: lilla.purple@gmail.com

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